Keddy Trail Street Art Project
Project Description:
The Keddy Access Trail, named in honour of Jay Keddy was completed in 2020 and was facilitated by re-purposing a vehicular travel lane on one of the city’s busiest mountain access corridors in order to provide a high-quality active transportation connection between the lower city and mountain. With a total distance of 2.7 km, the Keddy Access Trail spans between Hunter Street and West 5th Street, with side connections at four locations (including an entry point at Hunter Street and the bottom of the Claremont Access).
The City of Hamilton invites street, mural and graffiti artists or artist teams to submit an Expression of Interest to create a series of murals for the Keddy Trail Street Art Project. There are seven (7) commissions available from small to large-scale murals that include concrete barrier walls, seating along the trail and a series of bridge supports.
An artwork proposal is not requested at this time. A citizen advisory committee will evaluate the applications based on the artistic merit of past work, expression of interest statement and artist biography. The selected artists will be required to develop a preliminary mural design sketch for approval prior to the mural paint days.
Artists, Collectives and Artist-led teams are encouraged to visit the project website for more information on call deadlines, online information sessions and applications.
Or you can download the application on our Calls for Engagement page
Client: City of Hamilton
Collaborators: City staff, Community Jury
Website: www.hamilton.ca/keddyaccesstrail
City: Hamilton, ON
Date: 2022